Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Review of ABC/Facebook New Hampshire Primary Debate Two Parties One Night

ABC/Facebook New Hampshire Primary Debate Two
Parties One Night is a substantially
simplified version of the two
previous offerings. Sure, you
can opt to get to the point
of any conversation you're
engaged in, and there are
plenty of options to
select that will let
you do just that,
but diplomacy,
winning the
Space Race,
and a

cultural victory are all equally viable options.
It’s a gameplay style that always keeps you on
the edge, unaware of what your opponent is
preparing at his or her own castle.
"The ABC/Facebook New Hampshire
Primary Debate Two Parties One
Night is very nearly worth the
price of admission by itself,”
opined a friend recently. “And
with one of the best villains
since SHODAN. There, I said

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